Comments on: You Do Not Have to Be Good Writing in the Rockies Tue, 13 Dec 2022 02:55:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: admin Tue, 13 Dec 2022 02:55:47 +0000 In reply to Linda Thelen.

Linda, Thank you for your message. I’m all for a little glitter. You shine with love and light all year long! Let’s get together and catch up soon! xo

By: Linda Thelen Wed, 07 Dec 2022 16:57:15 +0000 Hi Carmel,
One of the things I love about you is that you are heart-centered and people/soul focused. You’re right about the perfect trappings…but it is always nice to have a little light and glitter during the winter season. I keep a few lights up all year round…and wonder if it’s worth it to put up my tree this year (didn’t last year) since no one but me sees it. And sometimes it looks lonely with no gifts under it! I appreciate the years you have sent me something…so I have something under the tree! But that is ultimately not what’s important. What’s important, as you pointed out…is LOVE. The gathering of all of you at the front door when a loved one leaves where all gather round and say, “Love love love love love…” That is the root and the blessing of your family.
I know you all have been hit by a lot of grief in the past two years and some major challenges. I am sad and sorry for your losses. But at the core, you all are about love – and that makes all the difference.
Much love, prayers, and many hugs,
Linda ๐Ÿ™‚

By: admin Mon, 05 Dec 2022 18:26:27 +0000 ]]> In reply to Sandy.

Amen. Thanks, Sandy. ๐Ÿงก

By: Sandy Mon, 05 Dec 2022 18:09:17 +0000 So true. The one thing you can’t buy more of is time. Giving your time and creating memories is what will be remembered long after we’re gone.

The holidays are hard on a lot of people for many different reasons. Be extra patient and kind to those we encounter. You never know what pain a person may be hiding.
